Hey, I'm Nic...

After nearly 15 years working in the corporate world of Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG), I got to know far too much about shopper behaviour and influencing people to buy more.

But then I started on a personal journey to live more sustainably.

It became a journey of questioning every aspect of my consumption. Turns out that how and what we consume creates our impact on the world around us - it's our footprint.

I've flipped and reversed almost everything I knew about consumption - I used to be about understanding shopper behaviour to get us to buy more, I now understand human behaviour to get us to consume less. A passionate advocate for mindful consumption, I started Mainstream Green as a social enterprise to enable people and organisations to to tread more lightly on the planet. 

From my home-base in Cambridge New Zealand, you'll find me supporting councils, businesses, and individuals alike to create behaviour change - the kind that's simple and achievable!


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